From Xamarin to Flutter - Navigating the human aspects of a migration
Converting a Xamarin app with over 100 screens and 3 million users across more than 12 countries in Flutter is quite a challenge. In this blog post, I’ll div...
Converting a Xamarin app with over 100 screens and 3 million users across more than 12 countries in Flutter is quite a challenge. In this blog post, I’ll div...
Converting a Xamarin app with over 100 screens and 3 million users across more than 12 countries in Flutter is quite a challenge. In this blog post, I’ll div...
Creating a Xamarin Android binding library is not an easy task and is different for every native library. This article is the second of a series of 4 article...
Creating a Xamarin Android binding library is not an easy task and is different for every native library. This article is the first of a series of 4 articles...
Huawei provides a set of tools to work on Android phones that do not use Google Play Services. In this post we will see how we can use them in a Xamarin Andr...
Exporting analytics with App Center to Application Insights is pretty straightforward. Errors and crashes are not exposed directly though. Fortunately, there...
I have always found App Center to be quite limited in terms of analytics. Little did I know that it is just the entry point for a powerful mobile analytics p...
Most mobile application requires network connection. Unfortunately analysing calls is not so easy.
Using custom fonts in Android application was a bit of a pain. Android 8 made things much easier for us with the ability to use local or remote custom fonts ...
When working on mobile projects, you might need to record your demos. There are various commercial solutions for that but sometimes you just want to do it fo...
Loading a configuration file may seem trivial, but in mobile development things always get a bit harder.
We have been using async await for quite some time now. In this post we will see how to deal with async when using commands in the MVVM pattern.
When using async await we inevitably have to mark methods as async void. This leads to a lot of issues for programmers…
Async await is probably my favorite feature of C#. It is powerful and some basic understanding about how it is working is needed to get the best out of it.
Running asynchronous code is pretty easy with .NET and C#. As we sometimes need to cancel an ongoing asynchronous operation we will see, throughout this post...
Previously we saw how to create efficient HTTP Get calls with HttpClient and JSON.NET. This time we will go a bit further by implementing POST calls.
In Xamarin or other .NET Standard based platform we use the HttpClient class in order to do HTTP calls and JSON.NET to deserialize the response. In this post...
Dans cet article nous verrons comment créer et utiliser des audiences pour envoyer notifications à des segments d’utilisateurs grâce aux API REST d’Azure Mob...
In this post we will introduce how to create and use audiences in order to send push notifications to user segments with Azure Mobile Center REST Apis.
Depuis peu il est possible d’envoyer des notifications push depuis Azure Mobile Center. Dans cet article nous verrons comment en envoyer grâce aux API REST à...
It is now possible to send push notifications from Azure Mobile Center. In this post, we will see how to use Mobile Center’s REST APIs in order to push notif...
I’m often asked about which machine and software should a Xamarin developer use. In this little post I’ll show you what I use and why I use it.
Cette année j’ai eu la chance de pouvoir assister à la conférence Xamarin Evolve 2016 à Orlando. J’ai pu partager l’excitation liée aux annonces, échanger av...
Le premier avril 2016 a eu lieu la deuxième Keynote de la BUILD 2016 qui a fait la part belle aux annonces relatives au rachat de Xamarin par Microsoft.
Comme certains d’entre vous le savent peut-être, Microsoft et Xamarin ont annoncés de concert leurs union par le rachat de Xamarin par Microsoft.
Le 25 janvier j’ai eu le plaisir de recevoir le titre de Xamarin MVP ! Ce qui fait de cette nomination quelque chose d’exceptionnel c’est qu’elle est égaleme...
Puisque Xamarin semble fait pour le développement multiplateforme, quel peut être son intérêt pour le développement d’application monoplateforme ?
Razor est un moteur de templating HTML disponible dans ASP.NET MVC. Ayant été conçu de manière indépendante à MVC, Xamarin a décidé de le proposer dans ses p...
Le projet sur lequel je travaille avec un collègue utilise des services avec Web API. Pour les développer, il utilise son poste Windows local et se sert de I...
En tant que développeur XAML depuis plusieurs années, j’ai pour habitude de m’adapter aux changements successifs apportés à chaque plateforme de ce langage.