
MVVM - Going async with async command

4 minute read

We have been using async await for quite some time now. In this post we will see how to deal with async when using commands in the MVVM pattern.

Removing async void

5 minute read

When using async await we inevitably have to mark methods as async void. This leads to a lot of issues for programmers…

Cancel asynchronous operations in C#

6 minute read

Running asynchronous code is pretty easy with .NET and C#. As we sometimes need to cancel an ongoing asynchronous operation we will see, throughout this post...


6 minute read

When I freshly arrive in a company I usually have to take on and improve legacy code. NDepend is a tool that shines in this kind of scenarios.

WinRT - CacheMode et VisualStatesTransition

4 minute read

Je suis récemment tombé sur un bug en portant mon jeu de reversi fonctionnant sur Wp7, Silverlight et WPF vers WinRT. En effet les animations qui permettaien...